Intermediate Egret
Name of a
medium-sized heron, with the scientific names Mesophoyx intermedia and Ardea intermedia. It is widely
distributed, from tropical East Africa across South and Southeast Asia, to
Australia. It is 65 to 72 centimeters tall, a size between that of the
Little Egret (fig.)
and the
Great Egret (fig.).
It is overall white, with a yellowish, somewhat blunt bill, often with a dark
tip, and black legs (fig.). In the breeding season, the bill often shows dark on the
ridge of the upper mandible, and the bird will grow long breast- and
back-plumes. It is sometimes referred to as Median Egret or Yellow-billed Egret.
In Thai, it is called nok yahng thohn noi (นกยางโทนน้อย)
or nok krayahng thohn noi (นกกระยางโทนน้อย).
