maeng kaphrun (แมงกะพรุน)
for ‘jellyfish’,
also referred to as ‘sea jelly’ or simply ‘jelly’,
of which there are around 2,000 varieties, in appearance often
transparent or translucent and with stinging tentacles, used for
protection and to catch prey. Each of its tentacles is covered with
stinging cells, i.e. harpoon-shaped needles known as cnidocytes,
that are released upon contact and inject their venom into the
victim. Since this happens automatically, even beached and dying
jellyfish, or a floating tentacle that has been detached from the
jellyfish, can still sting when touched. Though usually marine, a
few species are also found in freshwater, e.g. Craspedacusta
sowerbyi. Jellyfish occur in
every ocean, from the deep sea to the surface and as such are also
found in the littoral zone of coastal areas, where they may pose a
hazard to swimming humans. Whilst less than 5% of all known
jellyfish are considered harmful to humans, the sting of some
species is extremely painful and distressing, and some may cause
adverse reactions that lead to life threatening situations, such as
anaphylactic shock or cardiac arrest, if not drowning. Dangerous
species include the notorious box jellyfish, a deadly species that
includes the genus Chironex fleckeri, the most lethal jellyfish in the
world. Although rare, box jellyfish do occur in Thailand's southern
coastal waters, both in the
Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea,
where they are known to have caused some deaths, reportedly near Koh
and Koh Phangan in
Surat Thani
province, near Koh Lanta in
province, and near Cha-am in
Phetchaburi province. Vinegar is regarded as a good first-aid solution to reduce
the venomous effects from most jellyfish stings, though it will not
alleviate the pain and sometimes additional medical attention may be
required to counter any venom already discharged into the
bloodstream. In natural conditions, jellyfish float with the
currents and sometimes travel in large groups. In addition, many are
so transparent or small that they are nearly invisible. The only prevention
for swimmers and divers from being stung would be to wear a
full body wet suit or, as is done at some beaches, use large nets that
demarcate a certain swimming area.
are an important food source for many a sea turtle, such as the
Leatherback (fig.),
who have specially adapted mouths that on the inside are covered in
dozens of spikes, called papillae, from their teeth all the way down
to their esophagus and into their gut, in order to trap their prey
and keep it from coming out, as well as to protect them from sea
jelly venom.
As a soft-bodied animal or
invertebrate, a jellyfish carries the Thai prefix
maeng in its name.
