Monument to the Expeditionary Force
Name of a war memorial to the
north of and adjacent to
Sanam Luang
and which is also known as the Thai
World War Volunteers Memorial.
It is
erected to commemorate the Thai soldiers killed on the Western Front
in World War I. The white edifice, topped with a bell-shaped
is in the
and has the names of 19 soldiers killed in
action engraved on the sides. When the Great War broke out in the
reign of King
Rama VI,
who studied at Oxford, trained at Sandhurst and served in the
British Light Infantry, Thailand —then still known as
was initially neutral. Yet, for future political gain and fearing
that her neutrality might be held against her later, Thailand on 22
July 1917 joined the Allies and declared war on the Central Powers.
It committed a relatively small contingent of 1,300 troops under the
command of Major-General
Phichai Chahnrit (พิไชยชาญฤทธิ์), which
arrived in France in 1918, towards the end of the war. After having
joined in the victory parade in Paris on 19 July 1919, the Thai
home on 21 September 1919, with only few casualties compared to
other nations. However, the political gains for Thailand were
significant, resulting in enhanced international standing, presence
at the Versailles Peace Conference, and becoming one of the
cofounders of the League of Nations, as well as achieving that the
Western Powers ceded their extra-territorial rights, ridding
Thailand of the unequal treaties which exempted foreign nationals
from Thai laws and tariffs. The ashes of the 19 dead, cremated
earlier in Europe, were enshrined in the Monument to the
Expeditionary Force on 24 September 1919, after religious rites. The
Monument to the Expeditionary Force, across from the entrance to the
is hardly noticeable in the small garden which doubles as a median
strip for the heavy surrounding traffic, and is often blocked from
view by parking buses. Though it doesn't attract many visitors, the
monument nevertheless stands as a memorial to the
servicemen who answered the call of duty of their King, not
realizing then that the benefits to their nation went way beyond the
battlefield. In Thai, the memorial is referred to as Anusawarih
Thahaan Ahsah (อนุสาวรีย์ทหารอาสา), i.e.
Volunteers Monument’.
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